Welcome to The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead is a blog dealing with road geekery, road food, and anything related to traveling by automobile across the USA. The owner of this blog has been fascinated by roads, signs, maps, and related things since very early childhood. If you share this affliction, enjoy! Comments are always welcome.

May 2, 2007

It Must be a Sign . . . Yep, It's a Sign Alright!

The merry, merry month of May already? Wow! Where is the year going?

Today, I am in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on business, and this morning on the news is a story that fits in with the theme of freeway signs that I have going. It seems an 18-wheeler has hit a sign support, destroying the sign gantry and bringing it down on top of a van. The truck that caused the problem has also been totaled. Looks like TxDOT has some work to do after the cleanup is finished.

Screen shot from Good Day on Fox 4 in Dallas

Well, it's off to some meetings, so this is a quick post. More to come!

Late afternoon update: Sadly, the news is reporting that the driver of the big rig fell asleep at the wheel, and that one person was killed. They didn't say if it was the truck driver or someone in the van.

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