Welcome to The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead is a blog dealing with road geekery, road food, and anything related to traveling by automobile across the USA. The owner of this blog has been fascinated by roads, signs, maps, and related things since very early childhood. If you share this affliction, enjoy! Comments are always welcome.

December 1, 2007

A Couple of Signs

Not much to say about these, I just liked them. The first picture is the sign for the Fat Frog Cafe in Littleton, Colorado. The second is an old 7up sign that is still in use. I wonder what its story is. Looks like it's been around for a few years. Pretty cool old logo, isn't it? Yeah, I remember when it was the current logo!

November 18, 2007

Roadside Comfort Food

One of my favorite special series on Food Network is Alton Brown's Feasting on Asphalt, where Alton and his crew trek across America on motorcycles with the express purpose of avoiding the Interstates and sampling the regional culinary delights at small, usually family-owned restaurants along the way. During the trip to West Virginia, I tried out a place that Alton needs to visit on a future show.

Just four days before I stopped in, the Stagecoach Family Restaurant #5 had opened for business. This family-operated eatery along US 50 advertises "Home Cooked Food" on its signboard, so who'd want to miss that?

The signs beckon the hungry traveler on US 50 near Grafton

This particular afternoon, the lovely spouse, her lovely mother, and I were out running an errand, and decided it was time for lunch. So we decided to try out the Stagecoach to see if the food was a roadside hit or a roadside dud. So into the unpaved parking lot we go, crowded as it was. We pull the rented Chrysler Pacifica into a spot and head toward the door to the restaurant's austere roadside building.

Lunch inside! The Stagecoach Family Restaurant, simple and functional

As we walked inside, a spartan salad and soup bar was positioned to our left. The ingredients appeared fresh, but what drew my eye was the largest pot of hot broth and noodles I have seen anywhere. There was also an equally big pot of chili, steaming and emitting a wonderful aroma.

The dining room was simply furnished and the walls were paneled in a rough, light-colored wood. A table in the middle had been prepared for a larger party which was to enter shortly.

The main dining area of the Stagecoach

The placemats were simple, laminated affairs, covered with advertisements for local businesses, including two for the local hospital and one for a company that sells tombstones. My hope was that I would not be needing the services of either of these fine companies after eating at the Stagecoach! As it turns out, that is not likely to happen here.

The portions coming out of the kitchen appeared to be significantly generous, so I took it easy at the soup & salad bar. I had to try some of the noodles & chicken broth, so I selected just a little lettuce, bell peppers, cheese and dressing for my salad. As I love noodles, this made a great appetizer.

The simple salad and bowl of noodles & broth I ate. Tasty!

Perusing the menu was an appetizing exercise by itself. There were so many home style delights from which to choose, that it wasn't an easy choice. Since they are a small operation, the specials run out quickly. Much to my dismay, one that I had my eye on was the honey-dipped fried chicken. However, the lovely spouse wanted that, so I told her to get it and just let me have a bite. The waitress went back to the kitchen and found they had one serving left, so that went to the "LS", who did give me the drumstick. Oh my goodness! That is some of the best tasting fried chicken anywhere. Colonel Sanders, you are a pretender!

The Stagecoach's honey-dipped fried chicken

Since we wanted to sample different dishes, my mother-in-law went for the hot roast beef sandwich lunch. WOW! All I can say is she chose wisely. I only wish the taste of these yummy items could be posted online for all to sample.

There was nothing to beef about in regards to the hot roast beef sandwich

Since it is autumn, I felt like a real holiday-style dinner. Therefore, I selected the turkey and dressing plate. Let me tell you, it is delicious. The mashed potatoes were made from scratch, the glazed carrots I chose were perfectly cooked and coated with a wonderful glaze. A thick slab of homestyle dressing and good pieces of tender turkey breast were also in attendance, and covered with a generous amount of gravy. Some may not like that much gravy, but it was just right for me.

The turkey dinner was also a good choice

The Stagecoach also offers homemade pies and cake, but by the time we ate our lunch, there was no room left for dessert. Of course, that required us to stop in again a couple of days later just to sample the pie and coffee.

So the bottom line is this: If you enjoy home style comfort foods and are traveling on US 50 through West Virginia, I would recommend stopping by the Stagecoach. You won't be disappointed. It is located on the south side of the highway on the west end of Grafton.

One more thing . . . you might want to slow down for a different reason. Just about every time I passed the place, there were Taylor County Sheriff Department vehicles parked out front, with the officers themselves inside enjoying a hot meal. You don't want to be the cause of making one of them mad for having to get up from the table and go after you!

November 11, 2007

Roadgeekin' in the Alleghenies - Part II

Yesterday it was back to the Pittsburgh International Airport for the flight back to Denver. Since we got a few shots from Pittsburgh to Morgantown on the way in, seems only fitting to get a few on the way back. As always, click the photo to see a larger version.

WVDOT loves big highway shields!

Mismatched Interstate shields. The I-68 has a big number font and no state name, while the I-79 uses a thinner, smaller font and includes the state name.

Driving west on I-68, approaching the end of the highway where you can go either north or south onto I-79.

There is no END Interstate 68 sign, but this is it! West end of 68.

Now we are northbound on I-79. That change in pavement is where WVDOT maintenance ends and PaDOT takes over...in other words the state line. This is also the Mason-Dixon Line that demarcates the borders between southern Pennsylvania and West Virginia; Pennsylvania and Maryland; and where it turns southward, the border between Maryland and Delaware. The defining of the line also finally settled for good the issue of dispute in Cresap's War, a shooting war in the early 1700s between Maryland and Pennsylvania.

I also call this picture, "Welcome to Pennsylvania, Land of Lots O' Signs".

Buckle up for safety!

Slow down partner! PA maximum speed limit is 65, instead of the 70 we could legally travel in West Virginia.

Finally! Pennsylvania sees fit to welcome me a few hundred feet into the state.

Nearing Washington, PA, we see where we will join I-70 for a short duplex of the two highways through town.

Clearview font in view.

La la la...just drivin' along.

Told you we were on a duplexed stretch of road! So there!

Interesting coincidence...Exit 19 is US Highway 19.

End of the duplex. I was tempted to keep going on I-70 on to Denver, but alas, I had a rental car that had to be returned to the good folks at Thrifty at Pittsburgh International. Oh well! Onto the ramp we go to continue up I-79 North.

Wow, I didn't know I was this close to Houston! The other town mentioned on this sign, Eighty Four, PA is famous as the namesake of 84 Lumber.

Long Live the Drive-In Theater!

A rapidly disappearing bit of American life is holding on in Grafton, West Virginia . . . the drive-in theater. There are not many of these outdoor movie venues still operating across the country, and even in Denver, the Cinderella Drive-In has met its demise just a few short weeks ago. Land is just too valuable in urban areas to make operating a drive-in profitable. Plus, there are so many other things that are vying for our entertainment dollars, including the ability to buy and rent movies at home.

Yet, the drive-in remains in a few places, and seems to particularly have its best chance in small towns. The Grafton Drive-In still operates to the best of my knowledge. However, it is closed for the season. This small theater is across US 119 from the Mail Pouch Barn in the previous post. Here are some pictures. As always, click the photo for a larger version. Enjoy.

Marquee for the Grafton Drive-In

Entrance / Box Office and "big" screen

Projection building and movie screen - Notice the red barn in the background

A Roadside Advertising Relic

Mail Pouch Tobacco barn just outside Grafton, WV - Click photo for larger view

One thing generated by a capitalist economy is advertising. I would not be surprised to learn that the Roman Colosseum could have had signs advertising "Flavius' Chariot Repair Shop". Wherever people are trying to reach markets and sell products, advertising is inevitable.

One place where advertising has been prevalent over the years is the American highway. Everything from the sequential roadside poetry for Burma Shave to billboards encouraging motorists to stop and see the two-headed calf, have graced the side of the highway over the last century. One such advertising medium has been the sides and roofs of barns.

I remember seeing such barn signs promoting Meramec Caverns (Jesse James' Hideout) in Missouri; to "See 7 States from Rock City"; to the product whose ad is still barely visible on this barn in Grafton . . . Mail Pouch Tobacco. For 102 years, starting in 1890, the Bloch Brothers Tobacco Company of Wheeling, West Virginia, advertised their Mail Pouch brand on barns across several states. The farmer lucky enough to have a barn near a highway would get his barn painted, along with a small payment, to allow the tobacco firm to use the barn as an advertising sign.

I don't know the vintage of the sign on this barn, but I imagine it has been many years, since the sign is so faded. Still, it was an interesting find. This one is visible on US 119 South just before you come to Grafton.

CLICK HERE to read more about the Mail Pouch Barns on Wikipedia.

November 8, 2007

Dilapidated Building

An old building that has seen better days

Despite its immense natural beauty, West Virginia is a state that has struggled economically over the years. This fact is very evident when you look at the state of disrepair of many homes. They are left with paint almost entirely gone, bare wood, broken windows, and neglect. There are beautiful old homes that have been improved and kept up, right next to ramshackle houses that may have once been very nice, but are crumbling down around their occupants.

The same is true of many agricultural outbuildings dotting the countryside. These are less of an eyesore than the homes, as these buildings don't house people. In fact, they have a picturesque quality all their own, and make interesting photographs of times gone by.

This photo's subject is a small barn or storage building standing in a field on the north side of US 50 on the west side of Grafton.

Yet Another Highway Terminus

Here we are with yet another highway terminus sign. Tracing a path of just under three miles, West Virginia State Highway 279, also known as the Bridgeport Bypass, or Jerry Dove Drive, is a short highway between US 50 on its south end, and Interstate 79 on its north end. This likely ranks as one of the shortest numbered highways in the nation, but by no means the absolute shortest. I didn't notice an "END" sign at I-79, but the photo above is heading south at the junction with US 50. WV 279 is a nice, new four lane divided road for its entire length, and passes near the Harrison County Airport. New development along the road include a couple of hotels and a new Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant. For motorists heading west on US 50, it is a much less congested route than taking 50 all the way to I-79.

November 7, 2007

End of the Road

West Virginia State Highway 310 is only about 15 miles long, and runs from a junction with US 50 in Grafton on its southern end, to a junction with US 250 in Fairmont on its northern end. About halfway between the two towns is the Valley Falls State Park, where I took the photos from a couple of posts down the page. It is a narrow, winding, mountain road for most of its journey, but passes through some very pretty scenery.

This picture is taken on 310 South at US 50. If you look closely, you will notice little marks in the lower right-hand corners of each sign. I thought the one on the 310 shield was a bullet hole at first, but when I examined the high resolution picture from my camera, I saw it is a sticker with the shape of the state of West Virginia on it, probably a WVDOT asset sticker of some sort. The other signs also have a sticker, but it appears to be different from the other one. Even at 8 megapixels, I couldn't tell what they say.

Grafton's US 50 Drive Ins

Let's take a little tour of the drive-in fast food establishments along US 50 in Grafton. Of course, what is a fast food tour without a stop at Dairy Queen? This DQ has an old sign that is in great shape, showing an Eskimo girl in a parka, holding a cone of DQ Ice Cream. Unlike a lot of places where people eat ice cream year round, this DQ was already closed for the winter season. It would seem to me that the first half of the "Hot Eats, Cool Treats" slogan would apply all year long, but not here. It makes me wonder how the owners get by during the winter with a commercial building not producing any revenue for much of the year.

Our next picture is the other half of the Dairy Royalty, the Dairy King. The King is about a mile or less from the Queen, so maybe that is convenient for their late night frosty rendezvous. Makes me wonder if the Dairy Queen has bigger cups than the Dairy King! Yeah, it IS a bad attempt at humor.

In between them lies one of Grafton's oldest drive-ins, Biggies Hamburgers & Hot Dogs. Biggies has been around for a long time, and continues to serve both local Graftonians and hungry travelers motoring down Route 50.

Finally, we come to the T&L Oldies Diner. T&L has several locations, and this one is located beside the roadside cabin motel pictured in one of my earlier posts. In fact, the restaurant is where you rent the cottages, as noted on the banner.

November 6, 2007

Tour of Downtown Grafton

Here are some more pictures from the historic town of Grafton. Sadly, Grafton is in a state of serious decline, as evidenced by the condition of its central business district. Even more sad is the fact that this is a common state of affairs in small towns across the nation, as the jobs of American workers continue to be exported to slave labor in China and other developing countries.

In any case, let's take a look at a few pictures. As always, click on them for a larger version.

This first one is the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church, also known as the International Mothers Day Shrine. This is where Mothers Day originated, when Anna Jarvis started the holiday in honor of her own mother. Ironically, Ms. Jarvis was never a mother herself. Today, Mothers Day is celebrated in many countries, and this is where it all started.

International Mothers Day Shrine - Andrews M.E. Church

Taylor County Courthouse. Notice the doors at the top of the tower on the left. Watch your step!

Taylor County Clerk's Office inside the county courthouse

Typical brick alleyway in Grafton

An odd, hand-painted flag with 22 stars & 11 stripes in a Grafton storefront.

A signpost for every sign means a forest of posts at the corner of US 119 & US 50 in the Blueville area of Grafton.

US 119 South heading out of downtown Grafton

The US 119 shield on Main Street is long gone, but at least you still know which direction you are going.

On the south end of downtown is St. Matthias Episcopal Church.

Grafton's Post Office, built in 1913

A typical house in downtown Grafton

Watch that first step! Grafton seems to have a lot of doors with a big first step!!

A downtown law practice

A rusted bridge over the railroad tracks

An asset plaque on the bridge shows it was built in 1950. Guess they couldn't afford paint.

The Grafton B&O Station