WVDOT loves big highway shields!

Mismatched Interstate shields. The I-68 has a big number font and no state name, while the I-79 uses a thinner, smaller font and includes the state name.

Driving west on I-68, approaching the end of the highway where you can go either north or south onto I-79.

There is no END Interstate 68 sign, but this is it! West end of 68.

Now we are northbound on I-79. That change in pavement is where WVDOT maintenance ends and PaDOT takes over...in other words the state line. This is also the Mason-Dixon Line that demarcates the borders between southern Pennsylvania and West Virginia; Pennsylvania and Maryland; and where it turns southward, the border between Maryland and Delaware. The defining of the line also finally settled for good the issue of dispute in Cresap's War, a shooting war in the early 1700s between Maryland and Pennsylvania.
I also call this picture, "Welcome to Pennsylvania, Land of Lots O' Signs".

Buckle up for safety!

Slow down partner! PA maximum speed limit is 65, instead of the 70 we could legally travel in West Virginia.

Finally! Pennsylvania sees fit to welcome me a few hundred feet into the state.

Nearing Washington, PA, we see where we will join I-70 for a short duplex of the two highways through town.

Clearview font in view.

La la la...just drivin' along.

Told you we were on a duplexed stretch of road! So there!

Interesting coincidence...Exit 19 is US Highway 19.

End of the duplex. I was tempted to keep going on I-70 on to Denver, but alas, I had a rental car that had to be returned to the good folks at Thrifty at Pittsburgh International. Oh well! Onto the ramp we go to continue up I-79 North.

Wow, I didn't know I was this close to Houston! The other town mentioned on this sign, Eighty Four, PA is famous as the namesake of 84 Lumber.
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